Filing a complaint for cyberviolence

Find out why it is important to equip yourself against cyberviolence. These video capsules also explain how to protect yourself and prevent the impact.

How to Fill a Complaint for Cyberviolence

Bullying, harassment, defamation, etc. are examples of behaviours that can be punished by the Canadian Justice System. In this short video, Lea Clermont-Dion informs you that if you are a victim of cyberviolence, you can file a complaint with the police and find help.

Lea Clermont-Dion explains cyberviolence
Lea Clermont-Dion explains cyberviolence
Black and blue picture of Marion, protagonist of the film :Cyberviolence can have a very serious impact on women’s lives.
The Impact of cyberviolence​
A Guide to Self-Defence Against Cyberviolence
Cyberviolence self-defense guide
Cyberviolence: Filing a Complaint
Filing a complaint for cyberviolence
How to Prevent Cyberviolence
How to prevent cyberviolence
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“The TELUS Fund is proud to have participated in the financing of the documentary, Backlash: Misogyny in the Digital Age, and the website.

This project is well-aligned with the TELUS Fund’s mandate to promote the health and well-being of Canadians.”

Elizabeth Friesen, Executive Director, TELUS Fund

Official website of the film Backlash: Misogyny in the Digital Age.
All rights reserved © 2022 – La Ruelle Films